Friday, December 3, 2010

Extremely Out Numbered!

It's A Boy!!
Yesterday Chad and I went to Spokane to get a closer look at the baby's heart, and we came home very happy and relieved. They did an in depth ultrasound and so far his heart looks fine and growth wise he is right where he is supposed to be. After we get to Michigan we'll need to do a EKG when I am farther along just to look a little closer. Are we excited to have another boy? oh ya! Chad posed the question "What does Heavenly Father want us to do with all these boys? Raise an army?" My reply was that he was probably right, but who better to raise and army than Chad. I am excited to have a house full of crazy boys, I'll just have to sick to painting my own finger nails.


Alicia Steere said...

That is SO exciting!!! So what is going on with the baby's heart? I missed something.

Erin said...

Oh, boy! That'll be fun. You're such a great mom to take the boys outside all the time and do boyish things with them. He's a lucky baby to come to your family. I'm so glad that he's doing well so far.

Jessica said...

No way! I was so sure it was going to be a girl. :) You really are even more outnumbered. I'm glad everything looks good so far! Congratulations.

The Lechner Family said...

Yea! You are the best mother of little boys. I'm glad everything looks good. Hope you are feeling well.

Ben and Alyssa said...

Yay! I thought it was going to be a girl too! So excited! Do you have any names in mind?