Sunday Morning Stress:
I don't know how Sunday morning are around your house but at ours it is rush, rush, rush, with comments in the back like " I hate Sundays", " I don't want to be a sunbeam," " I hate church clothes." Well, for weeks Quade has been asking for a suit coat like Chads. I didn't really want to spend $80 dollars on an outfit that was going to be thrown on the floor the second we got home. This weekend we saw a kids resale store in Ann Arbor so we went to check it out.I wanted to see if there was anything we could get for the baby because we have to start all over. We got luck and found a new church outfit for Quade and Kaden (of course Kaden wouldn't wear his) and cleats for both of them because Quade is playing baseball and Kaden is going to be playing soccer. It all cost 35 dollars. Then I went to TJ Max and bought some new outfits, a bath towel, and some burp clothes for the baby. It really got me excited and I can't wait to see what this munchkin will be like. Now if we could only come up with a name.
totally the same way here! James usually threatens to leave without us, Ezra cries because he hates being rushed and makai is screaming at me because I have yet to feed him before rushing out the door. Ugh. And I bought a suit for Ezra that gets snot wiped on the sleeves almost every Sunday. Boys. Or just kids. At least you're not alone!
Quade looks so handsome. It sound fun getting stuff ready for your new baby. Love ya!
What a good looking kid! Very sharp suit. Sunday mornings are pretty similar around here,too. Except that Maggie likes wearing dresses. Day of rest, yeah right! Nice work on the shopping deals. :) And have fun shopping for baby stuff!
Quade's looking pretty spiffy! And the story about church reminds me of when you guys were trying to get your boys dressed for Alyssa's wedding. So funny . . . for me, probably not so funny for you! I'm excited that your boys are going to start playing some sports. That will be fun. And good luck finding baby stuff.
You have a good looking young man there, he's very adorable.
Brad Fallon
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