I apologize that it has taken me so long to post something. After we take our computer on a trip the screen stops working. Chad opened things up and got it to work, thank heavens. Then we seemed to have hard time finding an internet company that would actually show up and still give us the price they quoted on the phone.
I think we all like Michigan or as Kaden says "Mission Again." The little town we live in is very well kept up. All around town there are huge old houses like the one next to the library in Montpelier. They are all painted and kept up. Our town feels more rural than Moscow did, right outside our condo is huge field with an frame of an old barn and a huge old silo. The Library here is very nice and I have had a lot of time to read books on things I've been wondering about. I've been reading books on how to restore old furniture. This I hope will be my hobby after the baby is born and we hopefully move into a house that needs to be filled with furniture. Quade rides the bus to school each day and Kaden and I stay home and chill out. Quade has had the hardest time adjusting, he breaks down and cries sometimes. Kaden is easy going as usual, he is constantly wearing a cape and you have to ask him about every hour what superhero he is because if you call him Batman when he is really Boy Wonder he gets upset. Chad likes work and will be happy when he finishes up some training in Ann Arbor next week so that he can dig in a little deeper. He got to go to the car show in Detroit last week and he thought that was pretty cool. He wishes our next car could be the Lexus LFA. It's pretty cool but we could never get 3 car seats in it or afford the car payment. The picture below is Chad on his first day of work. The condo that we are renting is nice, though I can't decide if I like wood floors, I can't see to keep them clean. The kitchen doesn't have as much cupboard space but at least I don't feel like I am cooking in a closet like our last apartment.It is also nice to have a dining area that is not in the front room. My room is huge with a walk in closet it will be nice to have the extra space for the baby. The walls are painted yellow which isn't my favorite color but we've lived in apartments with boring white walls for 7 years I am not complaining, it's nice to have a little color. The basement it unfinished so we have all the boys toys down there a long with the TV. It's nice to have the TV away from the main living area. There is also a washer and drier so I enjoy doing laundry a lot more because I don't see my quarters disappear. Our ward is really nice and I can't wait to get to know the members better.
I tried to post some video from Christmas but it didn't work. Thanks to everyone that made our Christmas great and for all the extra Christmas money that helped us get to Mission Again.