Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Husband Is Amazing!
I cannot praise Chad enough. He is a wonderful father and a very caring husband. One thing that Chad does that I love so much is that he never yells at our boys from across the room. He always gets up walks over to them and whispers in their ear what he needs to talk to them about. Chad has been working hard finishing up his last semester in school and trying to find a job. He was actually chosen to be the cover boy of the Engineering department this year. He wasn't to thrilled about having to do pictures but I think it was good for him. The university sent out a pamphlet with Chad's pictures and story on it then they did a spread on the web about him. I don't know how to link but this is the address What else can I say I married up.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family Pictures That Turned Out:
We went to Pendleton Oregon a month a go for the round-up. Chad's aunt was there and she offered to take family pictures of us. Thanks Aunt Janice.

Sorry, I know I haven't posted anything in 6 months. I don't have a good reason why I haven't either. If Erin can keep hers up to date then I can too. I know Erin is a busy girl. My next posts will not be in any order, but you'll be able to see what we're up to and how the boys have changed.

Family Pictures: We took family pictures a while ago next to this cool old red barn, or I guess I should say we tried to take family pictures. Things just started off bad when we had to wake the boys up from naps. They were so grumpy that they refused to smile or sit down. Then Chad didn't have time to get a hair cut and when he jelled his hair it all clumped together and made him look like he was going bald. He is thinning a little but not that bad. I would have to have permission to post any of those pictures but we did have a good laugh with a couple of close friends.