Quade and Kaden hate getting ready for Church, there is always crying. Grandma Contor gave them both white cowboys shirts for Christmas. Quade likes to wear his to church with Chad's bolo tie like his Grandpa Barnes used to wear. I still can't get Kaden to wear the vest that came with his new church outfit. I guess I'll just keep trying he'll probably grow out of it by the time I actually get him to put it on.
Spring Time In January
We had about 4 days of wonderful spring weather here in Moscow. We broke out the bikes and went down to the bike path. Quade is learning how to ride and is getting very good. Kaden played with his bike for a while then decided to go fishing in the bird bath for leaves, Quade joined him later. It was so nice to get outside.
They are so stinkin cute!
Your boys look so spiffy! It would be so fun to be able to ride bike trails all around town with your family.
They are getting so big and handsome. Alayna asked when Quade and Kaden were coming to stay at Grandma's today. Miss you guys
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